
My blog about living with Leukaemia, and how it has affected me.


Saturday 19 June 2010

The Aftermath...

Hi again, got lots of news to be talking about.
I came home from UCLH after lots of chemotherapy on a Sunday (cant remember the exact date). On Monday, the next day, I woke up but didnt feel too great. I was sitting my Maths GCSE at home when I had to stop because I felt too unwell to continue. I had a raging temperature, so had to go straight into my local hospital.
I spent 5 days in there, having lots of antibiotics and being regularly monitored to see how things were going, and if I had any infections. This meant I was unable to sit the rest of my GCSE's that week, and will be re-sitting them at a later date.
I returned home after a blood transfusion on the night of England's first world cup match. It was good to be home, and to have football on too was an extra bonus! The next day, I woke up feeling ill again. Typical. England played so badly against the USA it made me sick! I had another raging temperature... so was sent back into hospital AGAIN! Another 5 days of antibiotics and more transfusions.
Neville the neutrophil has probably gone to watch the world cup, as I havent seen him for so long!
I have just come out of hospital from my last bout of antibiotics, hoping that I get to stay at home for a while now. I put my skinhead to good use during England's POOR performance against Algeria. I painted the cross of St. George on the top of my head. (see image below).

I have also got news regarding my bone marrow transplant, and the treatment plans for me.
Unfortunately, they were unable to find a matching donor for me, but it its not bad news, as there is an alternative. I am going to have an Umbilical cord stem-cell transplant, which is basically the same sort of thing as a bone marrow transplant, they just use the cells from Umbilical cords instead.

I will be having lots of health checks, scans etc. in the next few weeks and am hoping to start preparation for the transplant in the early part of July. Lets just hope I pass my M.O.T.!
I will be in hospital quite a lot once the transplant stuff all starts, but I'll try to keep posting on here when I can, to keep you updated.  :)



  1. Dear Andrew,
    My name is Jean and I’m a volunteer with the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Our organization helps patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of transplant from diagnosis through survivorship by providing vital information and personalized support services. We subscribe to Google blog alerts, where we found your story.
    Please know that others are thinking of you and pulling for you! To learn more about our programs and services, you may visit www.nbmtlink.org or call 800-546-5268.
    mailing address to me at jeansjones@gmail.com.
    All the best!

  2. hey andy met your dad 2 days ago at uclh my 13yr old son david has just been diagnosed a.l.l. this week so i was in a bit of a daze
    it was reasuring talking to your dad, meeting someone in the same boat and i just had to check the blog (very cool) i can see why he's so proud of you ,
    when my boy gets his head around it all i will get him to check it out .
    best wishes to you and yours
