
My blog about living with Leukaemia, and how it has affected me.


Monday 3 May 2010

First Impressions

Howdy! Thank you all for your continued support and for recommending this site to people, keep up the good work!
On friday (30th April 2010), I had my first visit to UCLH as a patient. I had arranged to go to watch a Lostprophets concert on the same day, so I wasn't sure whether or not I would be able to go. My consultant at UCLH, Rachel Hough (UCLH's version of "The Hoff") was happy for my chemo to be delayed until the next day, so that I could get home in time for the concert in the evening. They performed all of their checks, took my weight and blood pressure etc. and then let me go home for the night.
Lostprophets were amazing! I had a blast. They played all of my favourite songs, and threw in some of the new stuff as well. I loved how the WHOLE crowd (me included) was singing "Last Summer" with the band. The atmosphere was brilliant and it was nice to have a night out before I started chemo, as soon I will probably be feeling too ill to be able to do things like that, and I will be feeling pretty rough for quite a while.
On saturday I went back to UCLH to start chemo. I was put into room 2... and wow! It has a massive flat-screen tv (perfect for my xbox), its own computer. I can see Wembley Stadium when I look out the window (and when you are on the 12th floor, the view is pretty spectacular!).
I started chemo on saturday afternoon, a series of infusions which, in total, takes about 9 hours. It is 2 different types of chemo and I am having these infusions every day for 5 days.
So far, I have been having a lot of anti-sickness drugs, but I am feeling very well considering the stuff I am taking. My bloods are dropping daily, and I have 1 heroic Neutrophil left... I called it Neville. HANG IN THERE BUDDY! (Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell, which fight infection). Tomorrow (4th May 2010) will be the 4th day of the chemo, but so far so good. All the staff here at UCLH have been looking after me really well and have made me feel really welcome.
If I am well enough I will update you again soon with how things are going, but until then it's farewell.
Remember to spread the word... come on, it's what Neville would want.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there buddy. We are all supporting you over here in the Kellam Household.

    Sorry haven't spoken in a while. Exams have been hectic, Just finished a three day art exam.

    Get Better Soon,

    The Kellams
