
My blog about living with Leukaemia, and how it has affected me.


Tuesday 30 March 2010

Hi, I'm Andrew "Andyman3001" Wicks, and yes, that sexy young man in the panda hat is me.
On 12th July 2007 I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, and I have been recieving treatment for it ever since.
Recently, I started intensive chemotherapy again, as on the 5th March 2010, I was delivered the unfortunate news that the Leukaemia had relapsed.
I am lucky to say that I am surrounded by not only the best medical support possible (orchestrated by Great Ormond Street Hospital), but the most supportive set of friends and family you could wish for.
It is because of those friends and family I am writing this blog. Now, at the age of 15, I decided to use this blog to write a detailed story of the events that occurred from 2007 onwards, and also to keep everybody updated with how things are going with me at the moment.
This site is welcome for anybody to see, as I feel the more people can know about these cancers, the better (in other words, feel free to recommend this page to your mates...*hint* *hint*).
I hope you'll enjoy reading this blog, as I'm sure I'll enjoy writing it.
That's all for now folks


  1. woop woop!!! nice hat ya big gay, trying to be katy perry are ya? theres an easier way its called plastic surgery :-) lol. hope great ormond street is ok. im looking forward to seeing you soon drew we miss ya. from the sexiest brother in law to be :-P x

  2. Marianne Oliver2 April 2010 at 21:43

    Hi Andy,
    It's so great to see you smiling in your panda hat. I am very impressed with this blog - you are taking your GCSE presentation on Leukaemia & Lymphoma off in another direction.... and helping us all to keep in touch. Brilliant!!!
    Take care,

  3. andy!
    i just want to say that i think its really nice that u have created this blog, especially for people who may not fully understand what your going threw. your n inspiration to all of us an a true fighter against this speed bump in your life.
    love u brother

  4. An amazing story, so well written. Well done Andy...you have no idea how proud I am as your Dad.

    Keep up the good work on your blog and keep fighting.

    Dad x x x

  5. Your An Amazing Guy ! An Inspiration. I understand why your Dad and family are so proud of you, such an intelligent and mature account of your emotional roller coaster of treatment, which undoubtedly will comfort and support so many other people. Very selfless and courageous to take the time to do. You seem to have a great attitude and sense of humour ! :0) Feel Much Better Soon, and hope to meet u peoperly soon! Kent Family ! Michelle, Stuart and Kidz (your Dad's "rowdy neighbours")

  6. Dear Andy: A dear friend of mine (of 23 years) recently was healed of breast cancer. She is doing normal medical treatments but was suggested to go a super dose of 3 super products. All of these super products were from a company who has done billions of dollars in research and even though this was her miracle there is a science behind what she received to get healed(completely). Should you have any more interest please Facebook me or email me for more details. I admire your courage and I will pray for your healing also.
    Sincerely, Marcus

  7. Andy,
    Your blog is amazing, so well written and such an inspiration. Sending our love.
    Neil, Emma and Amelia xxx

  8. Andy my 7 year old was recently diagnosed with ALL (Nov)and is doing really well (touch wood) your story is informative and my heart goes out to you and your family on the news of your relapse. It seems so cruel to endure 3 years of treatment to start again. You are an inspiration to many people and i wish you and your family the best of luck with your ongoing treatment. i will follow your story and keep the positive in your sights. xxxx

  9. Merry said

    Your testimony is inspirational!! You are a brave & special young man... This attitude is your strength & I can see why your family hold you as a champion! I'm a mother of four & a former nurse & I think your amazing, keep up the fight Andy!
